Thursday, March 17, 2011


someone just tell me that everything will be just fine. someone tell me that. that everything will be fine

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

you know what i love?

hot guys at the library. Yum.
I figure if I can handle swim season and not starting homework until about 8 everyday, then school should be a breeze for me and I shouldn't worry about not having enough time.
Anyway, hot guys at the library. Not only are they smart, but they're hot. I caught myself blatantly staring at this one incredibly attractive guy yesterday and he looked at me briefly and awkwardly and we made eye contact so I looked away. Then when he was walking away with his back turned, I looked at him again and I'm pretty sure he could sense me looking at him again. He probably thinks I'm creepy, but then again he probably gets people staring at him a lot. Oh, the spell that beauty casts over us. I read somewhere about an experiment (i think it was on NBC, you can look it up) with two really attractive models (male and female) and two dull-er looking average people (male and female) and they compared how society treated them when doing everyday things (like asking to cut in line, asking for directions, etc.) But people were like 10 times nicer and more polite to the attractive people, even if they weren't the opposite gender. So how we look determines a lot about how we are treated by the people around us and i guess I'm pretty lucky because I could have turned out worse, haha. It would just be cool to try out someone else's shoes, you know? see how other people view the world from day to day. It must be very different.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I love caffine
thats all.
and if you havent watched this, do it now. Please, please do it

Sunday, March 13, 2011

k. hey so im back. im gonna start posting in here more cuz i have time.
What am i supposed to do with my life. thats the question. I feel so contemplative after my nap. you guys know what I mean.
I desperately want to not care what other people think so that people will think im cool. If that made any sense. Its just completely contradictory. If your looking for confidence so that people will respect you then you're really not confident because your confidence is just a tool to find acceptance and respect from others.
I'm so contemplative after my nap. Everything is a dream. Everythings is different.
I have a long list of things i have to do today and i havent touched on any of them. How great is that. I heard this from somewhere: too many things to do plus me not knowing where to start equals me not doing anything. My life.